Lifestyle Food Hemp Seed Oil


Lifestyle Food Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, available at your local Dischem outlet, is a cold-pressed oil, meaning that it’s extracted by squashing the hemp seeds in a large metal press – one of the purest ways to extract an oil for refining. Making this Lifestyle Food product some of the best quality hemp oil South…


If someone had told you a few years ago that Dischem could be one of the hemp oil suppliers we’d come to rely on in South Africa, it’s very possible you would have laughed them off.

However, the changing playing field for cannabis products is growing at an unprecedented rate. Retrospectively, it seems to make the most sense that one of our most trusted chain pharmacies would be stocking a product with such fantastic properties before long. While it may be some time before we see hemp seeds on Dischem shelves, the change is slowly starting.

Let’s take a closer look at the Lifestyle Food Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil they are currently supplying.

What are the Benefits of the Hemp Oil Dischem Stocks?

Hemp Seed Oil can be looked at as somewhat of the Olive Oil of cannabis products. It contains a 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for a healthy diet and nutrient intake, as they cannot be produced by the body and so must be consumed in the food we eat. Hemp seed oil is a far preferred method of getting our hands on these essential fatty acids than, say, fish oil, which can contain mercury and other nasty contaminants.

While containing the perfect amount and ratio of Omega 3’s and 6’s, hemp oil is also known help with a number of conditions such as:

  • Inflammation
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Mood instability
  • Immune System Weakness
  • Nervous System Issues
  • Cardiovascular ailments

Hemp Seed oil might not be a CBD Oil, but it will still contain traces of the very popular, non-psychoactive CBD chemical that exists in the plant, making it a great way to begin supplementing small amounts of CBD into your diet. If Cannabidiol is what you’re seeking, consider taking a look at our CBD Oil South Africa guide.

One of the lesser known benefits is its great use in keeping hair healthy and lively – similar to the properties coconut oil is famous for.

Lifestyle Food Hemp Seed Oil Review

This is a great quality oil, containing all the nutrients and fatty acids hemp oil is famous for. The flavour is good – not too grassy or earthy, and goes down rather smoothly. In terms of eating this oil, one of the best ways is to drizzle over a salad, or add it uncooked to a dish of your choice – otherwise, you could simply take a spoonful of it with your meals.

You can also apply the oil topically for external issues like skin lesions or irritation, sunburn, and a number of other ailments. It works quite well on its own, however, may last longer fused with a base carrier oil such as almond or coconut oil. If you’re really in the mood for experimenting, you could even put a drop or two in your vape cartridge with PG fluid (check your compatibility first) for a fast-acting, mild-dose CBD supplement.

While the price is a little steep, it’s totally worth it. These kinds of products still have a bit of a novelty factor, so they can run up quite a cost. However, as demand builds and these oils become more readily available, the prices will drop and become more affordable as a daily supplement.

If the price is an issue, however, do keep in mind that a bottle of good olive oil will easily amount to the same price, if not more.


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